SCAC is pleased to host Thomas Myers, author of Anatomy Trains
in his newest workshop for health & fitness professionals:
Oct 25, 2012
Fascia is the missing element in fitness training. After many years of being the 'Cinderella' of body tissues, new research into the fascinating role of our body's sinews has revealed new strategies for building our 'fascial body' to balance the strength and tone we are bringing to the muscular tissues in training.
This one-day course, designed for the personal trainer, fitness coach, Pilates, yoga or martial arts instructor, brings together a rich diversity of new images of fascial dissections and research findings to understand the surprising and integrative role of fascia in force transmission, injury, and repair. The day will include demonstrations and practical applications shown to produce maximum strength and resilience and to prevent injury (most injuries are connective tissue injuries).
See and feel the various layers and types of fascial tissue and understand how ‘sensori-motor-amnesia’ can rob us of our full potential, and how all the fascial tissues ‘hang together’ to make total body movement.
$150 ($195 after Sept 1)
Thomas Myers studied with Drs. Ida Rolf, Moshe Feldenkrais, and Buckminster Fuller, and has practiced integrative bodywork for over 30 years in Europe, the UK, and the USA. He incorporates many movement and manual disciplines. Tom is the author of the best-selling book, Anatomy Trains (Elsevier 2001), as well as over 60 articles for trade magazines and journals and a dozen video programs on fascial technique and dissection.